Village Newsletter
Edwinstowe Parish Council
The Parish Council has launched ‘Edwinstowe Village News’ a parish magazine, delivered at least twice a year to every household. Our aim is for the magazine to be self-financing, funded by advertising.
The Edwinstowe Village News is non political, with independent members on the editorial board and we want it to be mainly news and articles from the community groups, the schools, the churches and sporting clubs. If something is happening in the village, or you have some interesting news about an event or a local success story, please let us know, 250 words maximum, emailed as a Word document to the Parish Council.
Advertising Charges
If you are interested in placing an advert in the village newsletter, the charges are AS FOLLOWS:
- Busines card sized advert (black/white) – £30
- ¼ page advert (black/white) – £60
- ½ page advert (black/white) – £85
- Full page advert (black/white) – £110
- Inside front cover (full colour/full page) – £225
- Outside back cover (full colour/full page) – £250
Adverts will only be included once payment has been received. Cheques made payable to Edwinstowe Parish Council and sent to Village Hall, Mansfield Road, Edwinstowe, Notts, NG21 9NF. Please stipulate advert size required.
July 2012 Edition
Published: January 24, 2022
March 2012 Edition
Published: January 24, 2022