Edwinstowe Parish Council Elections May 2023
Edwinstowe Parish Council Elections May 2023
The date for the Coronation of King Charles, is not the only important one for the month of May, two days prior to the Coronation event is election day for Edwinstowe Parish Council.
Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? Could that be car parking, opening up public toilets, more facilities for young people? Edwinstowe Parish Council needs people from all backgrounds, ages and experiences who reflect the community, to put themselves forward for election. You need to be able to attend a monthly 2-3 hour Council Meeting. Nomination Packs can be collected from the Village Hall Parish Council Office, alternatively from the NSDC website; https://www.newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk/elections4may2023/ or the Parish Council website; https://edwinstowe.co.uk/ .
“Although the elections are not until May 4th, nomination forms must be submitted to Newark & Sherwood District Council by 4pm on Tuesday 4th April, so you don’t have long to think about it.”
James Gamble – Clerk Edwinstowe Parish Council