The Historic & Heritage Trees of Sherwood Forest - Edwinstowe House 12:45-1:45pm Saturday 3rd September
The Historic & Heritage Trees of
Sherwood Forest
Ian Rotherham
An illustrated talk paying homage to Sherwood Forest and
its remarkable trees, tracing their history and aswering
questions about their fates.
From tens of thousands of huge, gnarled oaks in medieval
times, we have fewer than 1000 surviving today. Those
trees which do survive are often aged misshapen oak-men,
formed by nature, people and extreme weather.
Ian Rotherham is an Emeritus Professor at the Advanced
Wellbeing Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University, a
Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and a specialist in
ecology, landscape history and regional tourism
development. He had written extensively on the history
and ecology of forests, ancient woods and ancient trees.
Saturday 3rd September
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